Selected Projects

Little Glade Residence

Laikipia, Kenya

Designed as a hypothetical case study home for the Lolldaiga Valley Initiative in central Kenya, Little Glade aims to demonstrate how a building can embrace the Intiative’s required building design conditions.

Status: Concept Design

Simple, elegant and time-tested environmental strategies allow the building to conserve resources while maintaining a low visual profile.

The butterfly-shaped roof is designed to harvest rainwater while shielding the solar panels from sight. Landscaping features that include green roofs, plant restoration and artificial berms screen the house from view and allow it to visually disappear into its environment.

Outdoor rooms and gardens create privacy between interior spaces, while covered walkways serve as the main circulation between different building zones.

The layout of the house encourages constant connection with the outdoors. Shaded and open-air decks surround all sides of the house, creating all-weather opportunities for outdoor living.

For more information, please get in touch.